Offering comprehensive workshops covering health, education, legal issues, and current migration topics to empower and inform participants
Providing expert guidance and assistance for visa and migration-related inquiries and processes.
Cultural programs
Fostering cultural integration among migrants through diverse programs, encouraging interaction, language learning, and shared experiences.
Gotwogether for the benefit of humanity
Introducing our charity, the Gotwogether Foundation
Our charity was established as a not-for-profit organisation in January 2022 in order to allow NoBorders to extend our purpose beyond the business.
It’s our way, as the migrants of today, to help the migrants of tomorrow with the many challenges that arise when migrating.
It also allows us to provide emergency medical services to the people of the Yasawa Islands of Fiji where public healthcare is quite basic and inefficient. Most people have to travel hours for treatment and endure long waits for assistance because of understaffing. This especially affects Fijians living in the least developed areas like the Yasawa Islands.

Our donation system is currently under construction.
You can contact us via Phone or E-Mail to make a donation.
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